Presenting Sponsor

Portland, Oregon-based WFG National Title Insurance Company (WFG NTIC), a Williston Financial Group company, is a new breed of national real estate settlement service providers. The fastest growing national title insurance underwriter, WFG NTIC leverages innovation and collaboration to create and deliver comprehensive real estate-related services and technology solutions that take time and cost out of the real estate transaction. Since its founding in 2010, WFG NTIC has focused on improving operational efficiency, increasing transparency and empowering all transaction participants, including title agents, mortgage lenders, real estate professionals and the consumers they serve.

Built around the directive to “communicate, collaborate and coexist,” WFG NTIC enjoys a Financial Stability Rating of A’ (A prime) Unsurpassed as assigned by Demotech, Inc. As WFG NTIC enters its second decade, the company continues to anticipate and respond to the changing needs of its clients, agents and associates, creating a better experience for all participants. For more information, please go to

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